Category: <span>Blog</span>

What I'm using: An App Script to grab all of the folder keys for your Google Drive

I think this could be really useful. Figuring out the folder keys easily means better distribution of google docs and assignments. Cool stuff. Get Folders Google Spreadsheets App Script One of my teachers was looking for a solution to pull the folder keys out of the folders created by Hapara …

What I'm Using: Tracking Gmail messages with Google Analytics to see who has read them.

I really like this hack a lot, especially because it works with all of the things I am already using. Also, it is 100% free. How to Track Gmail Messages with Google Analytics Google Analytics is often used for tracking visits to web pages and mobile apps but did you …

What I'm Using: LinkRedirector for sending folks to different link destinations based upon the device they are using.

Alright, so this might be a very specific use case, but I often need to send folks to different places if they are on an iPad vs. a Laptop. So, with this I can give folks the same link but take them to the different places I need them to …

What I'm Learning: "Adding" files to multiple folders in the New Google Drive is Rediculous

Although you can still do this in the New Google Drive, the keystoke has changed to the nonsensical “Shift+Z” to open up the “add to” dialog. Thank goodness you can still hold down control (or Option on a mac) while you drag things from one folder to another in drive …

When Robots Start Taking Careers Instead Of Jobs, What Does Career Ready Mean?

Today’s podcast episode is about how challenging I found two videos about how robots, automation, and mechanization will take entire careers. I want to start thinking about what we can stop teaching based upon the idea that many of the careers we are preparing students for will not exist in …

Project Roundtable: Passionate Learning, Creating and Collaborating in the New School Year

*Collaborative Planning Doc:* *Roundtable Purpose:* This roundtable is meant to help support teachers and leaders going back into their schools with a passionate approach to learning. It is meant to share best practices for the new school year and uncover collaboration points between teachers and schools. *Roundtable Audience:* This …

Make Your Own DPS Mileage Calculator with Google Sheets/Forms/Scripts

This quick tutorial shows how to create your own Mileage Calculator using Google Sheets/Forms/Scripts. It will automatically calculate the mileage, remember every place you have traveled to or from, and it will put it into a format for reimbursement. Because this is formatted specifically for Denver Public Schools, you may …