Author: <span>Ben Wilkoff</span>

53: The Educational Philosophy of Watters and Belshaw #LifeWideLearning16

53. What education philosophers speak loudest to you? #LifeWideLearning16 @bhwilkoff — Zac Chase (@MrChase) February 22, 2016 I do not often reach for Dewey or Vygotsky when I am trying to sort out a particularly thorny educational issue. I don’t even seek out living theorists like Papert or Chomsky all that …

Debunking EdTech Myths

I am really interested in the “myths” that are debunked in this study: Myth 1: New technologies are being developed all the time, the past history of the impact of technology is irrelevant to what we have now or will be available tomorrow. Myth 2: Today’s children are digital natives …

50: Ten Rules For My Mac-Based Workflow #LifeWideLearning16

50. What rules do you impose on yourself at work? #LifeWideLearning16@bhwilkoff — Zac Chase (@MrChase) February 19, 2016 I have tried the pomodoro technique and timeboxing. I have tried Kanban and Wunderlist. I have tried Basecamp and Pivotal Tracker. I tried each of these products and ideas all in an effort to be …

48: AR+ #LifeWideLearning16

48. What rule did you secretly hope your students would break? #LifeWideLearning16@bhwilkoff — Zac Chase (@MrChase) February 17, 2016 Accelerated Reader is/was a reading program that allows students to take multiple choice quizzes on books that they have read. If a student does well on such a quiz, they are …

47: Dessert, Bedtime, Electronics, and Love. #LifeWideLearning16

47. As a parent, what rule is non-negotiable? #LifeWideLearning16@bhwilkoff — Zac Chase (@MrChase) February 16, 2016 I negotiate dessert. Not every night is a “dessert night” and not every action requires a reward. There are some days that we haven’t had dessert for a while and there are others that …