Month: <span>April 2018</span>

Empathy Wins

Digital Literacy from Teaching Tolerance I really like the stance that this resource takes on Digital Literacy: A place for teachable moments and actively creating tolerant online communities. The lesson plans here (Grades 3-12) seem as much about creating engaged digital citizens as they are about setting up a framework for understanding …

Said vs. Heard

What we say is not always what is heard, and the difference between those things provides for a lot of conflict and consternation. It is also a huge opportunity to ask questions and to strive for understanding. We should lean into that opportunity. The Case Against Automated Student Data Dashboards …

What We Know

We know we are alive. We know we are creative and collaborative thinkers and doers. We know we are courageous and curious. We know we are both fighters and learners. Let us embrace what we know and lean into what we do not. You know more than you think. Personalized …