Month: <span>August 2016</span>

The Great Cell Phone Debate

I have always been intrigued when schools choose to let some devices in the classroom and not others. It is fascinating to watch some teachers and leaders rationalize banning the primary communication device for many kids (i.e., cell phones). Many do so based upon mere belief in a more traditional way of teaching and …

#WHOISaps: What does Blended and Personalized Learning Mean to You?

Suzanne Rougier, Program Director of ECE in Aurora Public Schools, discusses her ideas for Blended and Personalized learning and how both will continue to engage and connect learners across the district. If you want to find out more about the #WHOISaps project, here is the best link: http://learning is …

#WHOISaps: How should we design learning experiences that are engaging and relevant?

Nick Steinmetz, an EdTech Coordinator for Aurora Public Schools, tackles the ways in which we design learning experiences in this #WHOISaps interview. He also dives into just how relevant our schools, teachers, and content can be for our learners. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS

#WHOISaps: What does 21st Century Learning Look Like?

This is an abbreviated version of John Damhof’s #WHOISaps interview. In it, he discusses his thoughts for how we can best support students for what is to come in college and career. He also dives into the ways in which teachers can lead the way. Play in new window …