Month: <span>May 2010</span>

Question 124 of 365: Are there clowns hanging up on our walls?

Image via Wikipedia The Cleveland Clinic was my childhood hospital. I visited my pediatrician there with my two brothers more times than I care to remember. I didn’t recognize it as the world-premier institution that it is, though. I just knew it as the place with the clown posters on …

Question 123 of 365: How much are we inspired by comfort?

Image via Wikipedia So, I’m blogging from an iPad. I’m that guy. I’m sitting here with my bluetooth wireless keyboard resting on my lap, looking over at the gorgeous screen being propped up with the new super-durable case I got today. All of this is so new that I really …

Question 122 of 365: Who yells out during a live recording?

Image by commondream via Flickr One of my favorite bands of all time is Ben Folds Five. There was always a certain nerdiness that went along with listening to them that I never really could explain away. The one song that resonated with me longer than any other during early …

Question 120 of 365: Who were we when we first learned to open doors?

My son just learned how to open doors. He stretches as far as he possibly can, trusting that his socks won’t slip under the strain. He extends each of his five fingers until they curl around the handle and then he pulls down with all of his might. It is …