Year: <span>2009</span>

15 questions…

I was given the task recently of coming up with 15 questions to ask a information technology director candidate during an interview. While I missed the window during which this information would have been useful to the person who solicited my help (moving is really hard), I would like to …

What is it now?

There is a syndrome that I see from many of the people that I work with, and at many times, it I can be guilty as well. It happens when someone asks a question or has a request of you. They have a simple thought that they would like to …

Moving Day!

Image by leff via Flickr I can only say this about a few days in my life, like the day when my daughter was born or the day that put together my first 25 page paper (all in one day), but today I am more tired than when I teach. …

Making moving easy…

Every night this week and last I have been packing. I have been packing up my family to move us to someplace better, with more room and more possibilities (and more than one bathroom). This move has gotten me thinking a lot about what to keep and what to let …

Login from Anywhere!

Image by Mirko Macari via Flickr While this may not be an earth shattering to anyone else, I just figured out how to embed a login to moodle into any webpage. While, I believed that this was possible, I didn’t think it would be this easy. Here is the code …