Year: <span>2009</span>

Communal living

I never realized just how important community was to me until my wife and I asked our best family friends to come and live with us while they are saving up to buy a house.  For many years I have written about online communities as being an essential part of …

Honest with myself…

Image via Wikipedia Where I to be totally honest with myself: I would stop whatever I am doing and find the nearest classroom to teach in. I would continually say to those that ask for my advice on such matters that I have never taken nor taught an online-only course. …

Jumpcut Closing, Obviously.

Image via CrunchBase I woke up this morning to this e-mail: Dear Jumpcut user, After careful consideration, we will be officially closing the site on June 15, 2009. This was a difficult decision to make, but it’s part of the ongoing prioritization efforts at Yahoo! Very soon, we’ll be …