The IT department is an interesting beast in any school distrct. It has so many good ideas for how to get things done and it has the technical knowhow for making forward thinking learning projects go off without a hitch. However, it can also be at odds with the community of learning that teachers and administrators are trying t create. Well, it is my hope that we can bring together some of the very different goals that I see from both sides of the devide.
I have been given the task of creating a presentation to bring our rogue online school, eDCSD, into the fold with what IT has been working on, and do it without losing much of the hard work that either IT or eDCSD has done. I don’t want to comment too much on it at this point, because I haven’t given the presentation yet. However, I thought I would share it with you just in case you found it useful for any reason in your own quest to tie things together.
At this account, you will find both the presentation and a screencast of the presentation with audio explaining my thinking. I will also embed the presentation for more easy viewing.