

Core 1:

  1. Select-on: Read your thesis statement options to three other students. Have them rate the statement based upon three criteria:
    • Provability
    • Interest
    • Originality
  2. Come together and discuss the thesis statements and their influence on your final essay for the quarter.
  3. Get out the direct refutation and ARE argumentation packets.
    • What was the best piece of direct refutation that you were able to come up with?
    • What is indirect refutation, and how can it be accomplished in a debate?
  4. Extensions:
    • Start writing your essay (If you use docs, you can share it with as many people as you like). Continue to collect resources and ARE arguments and ART refutations for your debate topic.

Core 2:

  1. Write-on: Who do you usually blame when something goes wrong in your life? Why?
  2. Why does Stacey blame himself for what happened to Papa?
  3. What is the difference between blame and responsibility?
  4. Read Chapter 10
    • Who places blame on others?
    • Who places blame on themselves?
    • Who takes responsibility for what has happened?
  5. Extensions:
    • Finish Chapter 10 for Tuesday.

Core 3:

  1. Take the spelling bee written exam.
  2. Start reading Maus II:
    • Why choose the metaphor of humans as animals?
  3. Extension:
    • Read Part I of Maus II for Tuesday.

Core 4:

  1. Select-on: Read your thesis statement options to three other students. Have them rate the statement based upon three criteria:
    • Provability
    • Interest
    • Originality
  2. Come together and discuss the thesis statements and their influence on your final essay for the quarter.
  3. Get out your book censorship extension from last week.
    • Which books should be censored? (Mein Kampf, Harry Potter, Huckleberry Finn)
    • How is censorship of books related to censorship of ideas?
  4. Extension:
    • Start writing your essay (If you use docs, you can share it with as many people as you like).

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