

Core 1:

  1. Write-on: Which is more effective at creating social change: Verbal persuasion or Written Persuasion? Why?
  2. Debrief from commenting on Mr. Mayo’s students’ blogs.
    • What did you see that was good?
    • What can we learn from them?
    • What types of conversations should we start having?
    • Who would like to take the lead in doing video conferences with the students from Mr. Mayo’s classroom?
      • Persuade us.
  3. Read Martin Luther King Jr’s I Have a Dream speech (watch it too) and analyze it using this handout.
  4. Extensions: Finish handout for Friday. Get geared up for video conference tomorrow.

Core 2:

  1. Collect new word handouts from Monday.
  2. Write-on: What is your definition of race and gender? Could they have multiple meanings?
  3. Debrief from commenting on Mr. Mayo’s students’ blogs.
    • What did you see that was good?
    • What can we learn from them?
    • What types of conversations should we start having?
  4. Work through the introduction to the Race and Gender study unit.
  5. Extensions: Finish handout and read AR book

Class Notes:


Core 3:

  1. Write-on: What is hatred based upon?
  2. Debrief from commenting on Mr. Mayo’s students’ blogs.
    • What did you see that was good?
    • What can we learn from them?
    • What types of conversations should we start having?
  3. Brainstorm the elements that a group has to have in order to be persecuted, hated, or stereotyped.
  4. Extensions:

Core 4:

  1. Share-on: With at least three people, share your attempt at persuading your parent or sibling to do something that you would rather not. Try to get better and better at telling the story each time that you do.
  2. Competition for the most persuasive attempt with prize.
  3. Debrief from commenting on Mr. Mayo’s students’ blogs.
    • What did you see that was good?
    • What can we learn from them?
    • What types of conversations should we start having?
  4. What would it take to persuade this person to permanently take over your duties from you (persuade them forever)?
  5. Think of a book where a character changed.
    • How do you know that this character changed?
    • How does a character or person in general really change?
  6. Extension:
    • Write out how a character in your favorite book changes over the course of the book.

Class Notes:

[flash http://s3.amazonaws.com/slideshare/ssplayer.swf?id=125032&doc=mr-mayo-blog-observations1850]

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