Month: <span>January 2007</span>


Cores 1-4: Before we start our next major thematic unit based upon curriculum and knowledge that I think is important, I would like us to spend one more day thinking big about what and how we should be learning. I told you yesterday about a English Professor who was using …


Cores 1-4: Today is all about refocusing our efforts on our Weekly Authentics. I would like to recognize those of you who have been putting going above and beyond in creating our writing community. The following is a list of the most prolific authors of the past 30 days. The …


Cores 1-4: Go over expectations for the library. Show me your perfect book and AR+ contract. Discuss finding a perfect book. Find a perfect book. Read. If I have to encourage you more than once during the course of the period to read, I will ask you to move and …


Cores 1-4: Write-On: Imagine that there were a perfect book out there for you. It has just the right mixture of content (the stuff it is about) and form (the way it is written). What would it look like? Construct your perfect book on our handout. Fill out Quarter 3 …


Cores 1-4: Making your personal curriculum into a personal project: What is one personal project that you have done that no one else asked you to do? Which of these can we call personal projects and which of them are just something to do? What do you need in order …


Cores 1-4: Reset expectations for the quarter. What is a personal curriculum? Brainstorm your personal curriculum with a partner. Write your personal curriculum rough draft on your blog and then proceed to work on your weekly authentic for this week.