


  1. Write-Ons:
    • Why do you think that people act differently online then they do in real life?
    • How can we create a safe environment for everyone on our blogs?
    • What are the inherent risks of posting to a blog once a week?
  2. Explore the Discovery Blogging Rules websites looking for the following:
    • Creating a blogging environment without fear (of insult, of reprisal, of dishonesty).
    • Creating a scholastic blogging environment.
    • Creating a blogging environment based upon protection (of personal information, of identity, of unique thoughts).
    • Creating a creative, non-restrictive, tolerant, and sensitive blogging environment.
  3. Write down aprox. 5 Blogging rules in your category that you think should be a part of the Discovery Blogging Rules.

Core 1+3:

  1. Write-On: If you were to split your personality into two equal sides, what aspects of yourself would be on each side.
  2. Read “The Dichotomous Middle Schooler Part I”
    • Discuss which dichotomies are the hardest to deal with.
    • Find strategies for living with our own dichotomies of grades and parental pressure.
  3. Student presentations of more “Good Parts.”

Core 2:

  1. Discuss-On: With 2-3 other people, discuss your answers to “How can you change/question tradition when everyone else seems to buy into it?”
  2. Go over front side of “The Lottery” Handout.
  3. Discussion Questions:
    • What are the reasons for continuing such a heinous tradition?
    • Why are people reluctant to change? (Why was Old Man Warner so reluctant?)
    • What insight can this story give us into our own societal traditions?
  4. Student presentations of more “Good Parts.”

Core 4:

  1. Reflect-On: How did writing within Robert Frost’s style inform your understanding of his original poem (the theme, the idea of dichotomous change, the rhythm, etc.)?
  2. Share with at least 2 other students your rendition of a dichotomous change poem.
  3. Share with the class the most imitative piece you heard and/or the most unique.
  4. Discussion Questions:
    • How does reading and understanding this poem affect the way that we should think and act in this class?
  5. Student presentations of more “Good Parts.”

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