Core 1:
- Prepare-on: You will be talking directly to the students from Washington D.C. today. You will be introducing yourself in the following way:
- Your name
- Your Blog Title
- One thing that you really like to write about on your blog or read about on other people’s blogs.
- One thing that you think would be great to collaborate on or that you are excited about in terms of our partnership with the school in D.C.
- Run the video conference:
- Ro-Sham-Bo to see who goes first
- Introductions
- Question and Answer session about blogging and school life.
- Wrap-up and thank yous
- Extensions:
- In a blog post reflect upon your first video conference experience with the students from D.C.. How did you think it went? What are you most excited about? What ideas do you have for future video conferences?
- Please link to one of their blogs if you can remember any of the blog titles or kids that stuck in your mind.
Core 2:
- Write-on: Describe the following people-
- Continue to discuss the questions from introducing the Race and Gender unit.
- Begin reading Jasmine and looking for how race and gender affect her character.
- Extensions:
- Read your AR book.
Core 3:
- Write-on: Choose 5-10 elements of stereotyping that you have experienced and write out how you have been stereotyped in those elements.
- Mini-project: From your list of stereotyping elements, write out and draw out a caricature of yourself (an exaggeration of your traits).
- Share out your caricature:
- Do they look like this?
- Extensions
- Continue to work on you plot/character summary (due tomorrow)
Core 4:
- Write-on: Think of a book where a character changed.
- How do you know that this character changed?
- How does a character or person in general really change?
- Introduce the concept of multicultural novels, change and persuasion.
- Extensions:
- Start reading your multicultural novel and pick a character to monitor change and persuasion.