What I'm Using: A Chrome Extension to make Google Docs into WordPress Blog Posts

What I'm Using: A Chrome Extension to make Google Docs into WordPress Blog Posts

I find this extension to be awesome! I hope to use it a lot in collaborating on blog posts and in making things that I have written into an ongoing conversation.

Send to WordPress – Chrome Web Store

As a blog writer, you are most likely using Google Docs for most of your writing process. After hours of writing and reviewing, you finally have a completed blog post that you are ready to show the world. All that is left is to upload your document to WordPress. Unfortunately, this seemingly simple task often proves to be quite a hassle since you need to format the entire post in order to fit your blog’s style.

This extension is designed make your publishing process as fast and efficient as possible. Simply open your document with Google Docs to WordPress and click “create post(s)”. Your new post is now on WordPress, styled to fit your WordPress theme. Your images have also been taken care of, each one labeled correctly and appearing exactly in the right place

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