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Cores 1-4: I was at a G/T Langauge Arts meeting for most of the day, so here are my sub plans. Core 3: Discuss any great reading that happened in the library today. Share your Authentic prompts with 2-3 others and select the best one or two to be included …

Writing as Inquiry (A G/T Pro. Dev. Opportunity)

My questions: How can we use our language so that our students become more metacognitive and reflective? Others’ questions: Is peer editing actually useful for students or only for teachers? How would our teaching practice change if we were to consider all of our students as gifted? Iquiry works for …

Language Theory Class #2 08.28.06

Linguistics is a sub-set of Cognitive Science. Linguistics is only a study of natural langauges (not like esperanto) If Language is a mirror to the mind, unnatural language (created langauges) are like fun house mirrors. The different schools of thought in lingustics define linguistics in very different ways (parsing the …


Cores 1-4: Last week we spent quite a bit of time talking about our reading program. We have now sufficiently set up AR+. This week we are going to continue our work with AR+, but we are also going to start the weekly writing piece that you will come to …


Cores 1-4: Introduce the concept of Authentic vs. Inauthentic writing prompts. Talk about ways of changing inauthentic writing prompts into authentic ones. Give students initial writing assessment for the year. (These will not be posted online because they are reused from year to year.) Tell students that Mr. Wilkoff will …


Much of today’s lessons are a continuation of yesterday. Core 1: Go over the process of actually submitting a book review. Discuss-On: How do you think that the Discovery Bookshelf is going to help us to create a community of readers? Discuss-On: How do you think that creating web pages …


Today’s lessons are extentions of yesterday. Core 1-2: Discuss-On: What is the biggest book/reading virus (meme) you have ever started? Collect Book Meme. Re-introduce the Discovery Bookshelf and go over how to write a book review. Show How-To page and go through setting up accounts. Explore Re-introduce the …